IQRA University Teacher Outreach Programme

Preparing Teachers to Teach the Learners of 21st Century

The Iqra University Teacher Outreach Programme (IUTOP) is designed to enhance teachers' knowledge, capacities, and skills in order to improve the quality of education in Pakistan. The Covid-19 pandemic has negatively affected education across the globe, stagnating the teaching and learning processes in the classrooms. To overcome the challenges posed by the pandemic, the course aims to equip teachers with best practices for teaching effectively in the online and face- to-face classes during the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond.

This innovative hands-on programme is based on the 'Integrated Theory and Practice Framework' introduced in Pakistan by IQRA University. The participants will get an opportunity to enhance their pedagogical knowledge and competence in subject-specific teaching and learning environments. They will learn to become reflective practitioners who can engage students in active learning activities by building a conducive learning environment in their classrooms. It is envisaged that effective teaching practices, resulting from teachers ’learning, will support in achieving the SDG4 & SDG17 (i.e. strengthening school –university collaboration) in Pakistan.

Courses Offered in 2023

Learner-centred approach in mathematics classrooms

acquire awareness of the links between active pedagogic strategies (and improved children’s learning;
enhance their pedagogical skills in using active learning strategies, to promote meaningful interaction between learners and the topic/mathematics; and learners and teachers:
recapitulate and improve their mathematics conceptual understanding of Mathematics.

Teaching Strategies: STEM in Science Classrooms

identify and address students’ conceptual problems
Establish connectivity between science, mathematics
enhance students’ scientific reasoning and investigation skills.

Use of technology in teaching and learning

explore ways of incorporating technology to develop students’ learning
analyse strategies of maximizing students’ participation in their learning.

Course Structure

Day 1 & 2
27th - 28th Dec, 2023


IQRA University, Gulshan Campus II,
Block 7, Karachi.

Click here to Apply
Course Fee Structure

Discover how IUTOP works

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Our Events

Training Sessions
School Leaders Seminar
School Based IUToP (2024)








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Frequently Asked Questions About IUTOP

  • To enhance knowledge and pedagogy of teachers
  • To nurture active learning in classrooms
Improve their teaching to enhance the quality of their students’ learning develop critical engagement with concepts and related pedagogy focus on effective and reflective practice to promote active learning.
Teachers and educators
  • Brochure of the workshop
  • Handout regarding complete details of the courses being offered

Iqra University is now offering Teacher Outreach Programme

Preparing Teachers to Teach the Learners of 21st Century

Get in touch

Contact Us

Department of Education
IQRA University Block 2, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi

Programme Leader
Prof. Dr. Razia Fakir Mohammad
DPhil, University of Oxford, England

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